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Friday, January 22, 2010

Chris' Intro

Before this course started, I looked ahead with trepidation, knowing the difficulty friends have had with the PMP and the myriad of study materials to conquer. But I realized that a positive attitude and dedication to the task ahead would ensure ultimate success.
I sat down, created a profile on blogger...and that's when the real fear set in. I watched as everyone around me began posting their bio's and making comments, and I realized just how truly screwed I could be...
Try staring at your screen wondering how everyone else managed to post an intro...and you can't figure it out! Forget the course material! I couldn't even figure out how to say "hi!" to the rest of the group!
(It's always good when fate crushes your initial determination and drive, by giving you a reality check on your true abilities...)

Anyway! The "new post" button now appears on my dashboard, just like everyone else's! So I'm much better now!

So now the boring stuff: I've been with NJVC since late '05. Myself and one other PM worked up in Bethesda throughout '06 and into '07, when she joined the government , and I got recalled to active duty, and deployed to Iraq. I spent 2 years there, and re-joined NJVC in June of 2009. The company has definitely matured in these last couple of years, and the job has changed along with that corporate maturity.
I'm just hoping that this course will allow me to learn what is necessary to keep pace with the changing work environment.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome Chris! So happy that you can now join us -blogging :). I hope you find these "knowledge exchange" exercises useful in preparing for the PMP exam, though I am sure you will agree that the true pay-off (of finding that new post button) will be in developing professional relationships with other PMP certified individuals. I would also like to send you a deeply felt thank you for your service to our country.
